John-Gary Aylward RIS

Senior Consultant

John-Gary is an experienced financial professional with a demonstrated history of prioritizing clients’ best interests. He works closely with our clients to understand their goals, whether it's wealth growth, asset preservation, or wealth transfer to future generations. John-Gary provides personalized financial strategy and investment management services to develop and implement customized plans for individuals, families, and entrepreneurs to achieve their goals.

His passion for this career is multi-faceted, “I get to be a researcher, a student, a teacher, a therapist, a confidante, a coach, a business owner, and a valued professional.”

Being a trusted advisor means John-Gary is there for clients during significant moments in their lives, offering guidance and support. Whether they need help navigating a major life event or seeking assistance with a groundbreaking idea, he takes pride in being their go-to resource. The connections he’s established go beyond professional boundaries, becoming long-term relationships and friendships with clients, their families, and their friends.